CCN OUTREACH ALERT!Join us for yet another CCN outreach!
"Hellfest"Held at Sovereign Bank Arena
81 Hamilton Ave at Rt. 129 Trenton, NJ
Outreach Info:
We will be meeting at 12 noon at
381 Ward Avenue
Trenton, NJ 08618 (in Hamilton Twnshp)
609-587-7391 (for directions, click here)
Before the event, we will have a time of spiritual prepartion through prayer, praise, a word of exhortation, and a brush-up on how to communicate the message of Jesus Christ biblically, effectively, and boldly!
For more info or to let us know you are coming, contact: For more info about Hellfest, visit
Hellfest FAQ's (from
Is HELLFEST all ages?
Yes! it always has been and always will be. Ages range from 10 to 65 but the average attendee is between 14 and 25
Is HELLFEST a dry event?
Yes, there is no drugs or alchohol allowed and there is no smoking indoors. This is for everyone's health and safety. This is one of the factors that helps set HELLFEST apart from the other fests of its type.
Will HELLFEST sell out?
In order to keep hellfest intimate we only sell a small limited amount of tickets even know the venue can hold more people. so yes it will sell out and get tickets while you can.
Is HELLFEST indoors or outdoors?
This year we are 50/50 however all the outside stages will be under huge frame tents.
What's the deal with parking?
Yes we are at an arena... so trenton is going to stick you with parking... however the hotels will be running vans so park at the hotel and car pool...
Are cameras allowed into HELLFEST?
Still disposable cameras are ok, however we have a very strict no video camera policy. We have had the no video camera rule for years, so please don't bring them into the show. People caught with video cameras or audio recording equipment will be asked to leave.
What time does hellfest start and stop each day?
Gates are at 10 am each day and bands start at noon. Friday and saturday will end around 11 pm and sunday wil end around 10 pm. Exact start and end times will be posted here on the site about a week before the fest. We would post it now but its changing due to the fact ther are 180 bands playing in 3 days..get it? got it?...good!