“Is Jesus Christ
the brother of satan?”
Discovering Mormonism and Witnessing to Mormons
Ever wonder what differences lie between the Christian and Mormon faith? Did you ever want to share the gospel with a Mormon, and not know what to expect?
Join us for another great night on how to talk to others about Jesus..
Tuesday, February 28th @ 7PM
Seton Hall University
Arts and Sciences Faculty Room (2nd Fl)
400 South Orange Ave.
South Orange, NJ
“Sure… Come On In”
Witnessing to Jehovah Witnesses
Ever wonder what differences lie between the Christian and the Jehovah's Witness faith? Did you ever want to share the gospel with a Jehovah's Witness and not know that to expext?
Join us for another great night on how to talk to others about Jesus..
Tuesday, March 21st @ 7PM
Seton Hall University
Arts and Sciences Faculty Room (2nd Fl)
400 South Orange Ave.
South Orange, NJ
Guest Speaker: Robert Parker
Robert Parker graduated from The Great New Network (GNN) Evangelism Boot Camps in both
Orlando, FL and Los Angelas, CA, and has since led mini-boot camps in Boston, Mass. and New York City. An avid researcher on various religions, Robert has witnessed in the Mormon temple and taught classes on Mormonism at his home church, Calvary Chapel Old Bridge in Old Bridge, NJ. Currently, Robert is also an active member in The Great News Network New York and New Jersey evangelism team, taking part in evangelistic outreaches and open air preaching in New York City and Staten Island on a weekly basis.

Evangelist Ray Comfort and Robert Parker