Much is happening in CCN!
We have our new CCN Theme Song (unmastered version), which will be played when you launch our new and improved website (currently under construction as we speak)!
We are pleased to inform you that we currently are meeting with 2 leaders from 2 separate Christian organizations, and contacting a third on one of our campuses and request your prayers as they consider working with us this coming school year!
Our very own SHU Campus Leader, Lashelle White is hosting an evangelism Mini-Boot Camp at her church, where she will train youths and adults in biblical evangelism, which we also request your prayers for. This is great preparation for her as she will be leading the SHU Training Fellowships this school year. Lechelle Herron and Cecilee Bonsu will be working together on the MSU campus.
We have an awesome addition to our team, Adrian Borges, who is helping to produce our radio show, CCN Radio (currently under production), which will air from our website in the future. Adrian has experience working in Christian radio and we look forward to him adding his expertise to the much anticipated project. Please keep him in prayer, as well as our lively hosts, Ana Mercedes and Joel Peixoto.
Nick Astacio will also be adding his creative expertise this fall as we work on didactic video projects, and Freddy "Traxx" Rodriguez, who produced our theme song, will produce our audio learning aids.
The most exciting developments lie in the changes of the CCN curriculum. During the summer, I have been working hard on an upcoming Leadership Guide, and this will be an easy-to-read guide for the leaders to help them effectively train their campus team! This will allow CCN Leaders to train in Biblical Evangelism and apologetics in a clear, concise manner.
On top of this two new teaching guides are being produced, which will help CCN students to disciple new converts in a personal one-to-one 7-week Foundational Bible Study, where they can befriend their new friend in Christ, while helping them to grow! Plus, another bible study guide, which will help teach those who express interest in Christianity, but are not sure.
Are you excited, yet?
Listen Saints, CCN is not some fly-by-night ministry... We are here for the long haul! Souls are going to be soundly saved, discipled, and trained to save others with biblical evangelism!
Finally, the countdown begins as to when CCN will officially receive it's 501 (c) 3 Tax-exempt status! It looks as if by the end of August '06 this may occur. Until then, you can still write your tax-deductible donation checks to our covering ministry, B.L.E.S.S.E.D. Ministries Inc., to support this awesome work. You can still mail your love offering here:
CHANGE Collegian Network
PO Box 1097 South Orange, New Jersey 07079
As you can see, a lot is going on and we are focused on winning souls to Christ by equipping Christians to spread the gospel! We hope that you will be able to a sow a seed into this good ground.So, get excited Soldiers, pray without ceasing, and get ready for these exciting CHANGES at CHANGE Collegian Network!

This Saturday, July 22nd...
Get trained, motivated, and evangelize at the GNN/Revelation Generation Training!
9:00AM to 3:00PM - Training. Plus evening evangelism! So, FREE your whole day, because we may witness at a concert, or in Princeton, NJ or Philly, PA! *Please note that the evening evangelism is not mandatory for the Rev Gen training.
Shepherd of the Valley Church
45 Springs Mill Road/Rte. 614 West
Milford, NJ 08848
Remember, you must attend at least one Rev Gen training to be a part of the Revelation Generation evangelism team at the concert on Sept. 2nd!
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