The Praise Report!
Our first "CCN Saturday" was an awesome success! By the grace of God, we had an awesome time of prayer, weeping and crying out to the Lord, wondeful worship and encouragement through the Word! The Lord heard our cry for boldness and then blessed us with an amazing outreach, where the gospel was proclaimed with boldness and compassion. Finally, we broke our fast and broke bread for fellowship!
Check out some Saturday "highlights"!
After prayer, and after cleaning her face from her running mascara, Tiffany was surprised with a birthday cake! She's a happy 27 year-old!
Shantel, our CCN Campus Leader @ SHU open air preached for the first time! Watch her journey unfold...

Jonathan, our CCN Mentor encourages Shantel before she gets up to preach on the NYC subway for the first time.
Shantel opens her mouth, boldly, to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to many listeners!
Shantel rejoices that the Holy Spirit gave her the boldness to share the gospel with so many people (more than some Christians share the gospel with in a lifetime)! We rejoiced with her, and the angels rejoice over one souls that repents!
Cecilee shared the gospel to a crowd of men who actually cheered for her. Unfortunately, they were drunk. God willing, the message shocked them sober, and planted a seed of repentance and faith in Christ in them.

After the gospel was preached, we received some great encouragement from some sisters in the Lord, who thanked us for sharing the gospel and encouraged us to continue. All in all, the Lord blessed us with great crowds on almost every train! We praise the Lord for hearing and answering our morning prayer!
We give God all the honor and all the praise for this wonderful time of soul winning for His glory! May He save many, who heard His Gospel preached!
Don't miss our NEXT CCN Saturday coming in October!
Be on the look out!

We want YOU to be there! College student or not, we want you to come out and make a CHANGE!

Hurry up and join us as we are used of the Lord to save souls before His Return!
Don't be found idle...
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