Welcome Back to Another CCN Semester!
It's officially over! Back to the grind... Books, papers, lectures, and witnessing on campus for the Lord! That's right! It's also time to get back into CCN fellowships and learn the Word of God! You know how we do.
It's officially over! Back to the grind... Books, papers, lectures, and witnessing on campus for the Lord! That's right! It's also time to get back into CCN fellowships and learn the Word of God! You know how we do.
Some quick important updates for all you CCN members... There are a ton of things that you don't want to miss out on! So, check it out:
1. We have a NEW campus addition! We are so happy to instill Pastor John Chisham as our Campus Leader at SMSU!
Pastor John is a church planter, who teaches and preaches the biblical Gospel. Please keep him
in prayer as he raises up soul winners and leaders in his area and on SMSU!
Check out all our campuses here:
LaGuardia Community College. - New Campus Leader, Hector Sanchez!
2. Pray for our CCN Mentor, brother Jonathan, who is in Indiana strengthening the CCN Members @ IUPUI!
Andrea, Jonathan, and John, along with the other CCN Members are going through an intense week of witnessing, Bible study, and leadership training. Pray for souls to be won to Christ and the saints to grow!
3. We are officially working with Voice of the Martyrs (www.persecution.com) to help obtain aid and promote awareness of the persecuted church around the world, as well as awareness of the Gospel message on the college campuses across the states!
VOM is aware of our endeavors and we will be performing outreaches on the campus this Spring! Get ready to help CHANGE the lives of people in America and the saints abroad!
Above: Noviana Malewa, who was 15 at the time, and three of her friends, Theresia Morangke, Alfita Poliwo, Yarni Sambue, were walking along a path on October 29th, 2005, on their way to a private Christian school in Poso, Sulawesi, when they were set upon by a gang of men who may or may not have been Islamic militants, wielding machetes. Noviana’s three schoolmates were beheaded while Noviana suffered a massive slash that ran from her cheek to her neck. Pray for the persecuted church and help us help them this semester!
4. It's finally here! The first annual "Repent and Witness Evangelism Camp!" Held in New York City this July 31st to August 4th, this intensive (to say the least) boot camp will challenge and push you to go to your limits in evangelism! Don't miss this once-a-year event!
Calling All Out-of-State CCN Members! Now is your time to get a super dose of evangelism in New York City!
Go to our website and apply for the event today (ONLY 30 MISSIONARIES ACCEPTED), plus get information and tools to raise support for your trip!
5. Want to get an small glimpse of what the Repent and Witness Evangelism Camp will be like? Check out our monthly "CCN Saturday"! Repent and Witness will be like CCN Saturday "on steriods." Please excuse the drugs reference, but you know what we mean!
Join us once a month for a full day of prayer, worship, Word, fasting, "hands-on" evangelism training, open-air preaching, and godly fellowship with other soul winning students!
Join us once a month for a full day of prayer, worship, Word, fasting, "hands-on" evangelism training, open-air preaching, and godly fellowship with other soul winning students!
Next CCN Saturday: February 9th - 10:30AM to 8PM
[Fasting from 12AM to 4PM]
Location: Iglesia Nueva Vida53-21 37th Avenue
Woodside, NY 11377
Church Number: 718-424-9161
Woodside, NY 11377
Church Number: 718-424-9161
For more info and/or to confirm attendance, contact: Jonathan@changeyourcampus.net
Want to see how one student's life is CHANGED from CCN Saturday?
Watch this 6 minute video of Alex's experience at CCN Saturday and let her tell you why YOU should be there!
!!! Don't stay out of the loop, saints! Make sure you sign up for our e-newsletter and get updates on CCN events and evangelism tools on a monthly basis!
See you on the battle field, saints! Mark 16:15...
Questions? Contact Contact@changeyourcampus.net
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