Shining Lights on a Dark Day
Our previous CCN Saturday was great! We went forth in boldness as we preached the gospel at the Halloween Parade in Toms River, NJ. There were many people in attendance for one of the largest parades in the U.S. This was a great opportunity for us to witness to thousands of people as they celebrated Halloween. Glory be to the Lord, He sent us forth as shining lights in this world and we went forth as shining lights to people of all ages and backgrounds. There were many hearts that were touched, yet some were hardened. Please pray for all the people who heard the gospel. Praise the Lord for His power and using us as vessels to further His kingdom.
Join us for our next CCN SATURDAY
Date: Nov 21st 2009
Time: 10am-4pm
Location: Chinese American Bible Church
65 Gibson Place Freehold, NJ
Witnessing at the Freehold Mall.
RSVP by e-mailing
(Stay tuned for more updates)

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