Sunday, January 30, 2011

"Men and The Gospel: Assembly & Outreach": A Unique Men's Event

MEN and the Gospel: Assembly & Outreach

CHANGE Collegian Network is a ministry that is about putting actions to words and feet to the Great Commission (Mark 16:15). In keeping with this biblical mindset, CCN now presents its first men's only event, entitled Men and The Gospel: Assembly & Outreach, which follows up our recent first annual women's retreat, Issues of the Heart

What makes this conference unique is the call. Men and The Gospel is a call for young Christian men worldwide to pursue maturity and to take their place as spiritual warriors, contending for the truth biblically, unabashedly, intentionally, and without compromise. 

Along with the command to pursue a holy, Christ-centered lifestyle, men will be challenged to become contenders for the faith and not slip into the mindset of today's western culture - a culture that encourages men to keep their faith and convictions to themselves while quietly tolerating every anti-biblical ideology. At the same time, the event is designed to allow men to have the freedom express themselves, talk about real issues that affect men, and receive prayer. 

While the Bible and the gospel of Jesus Christ are being challenged with great force both intellectually and physically all over the world, and especially on the college campus, will there be godly men to boldly contend for and proclaim truth? Will God raise up a generation of Daniels, John the Baptists, and Pauls, who are willing to lay down their life for the faith as Christ laid down his life for the church? 

Men and The Gospel is an intimate gathering that calls this generation of men to pick up these spiritual weapons and fight like a man. 

For more information, contact Jonathan Barba at

1 comment:

Kurt Michaelson said...

A much needed event for men, in this day and time of our lives.